What’s That I Hear…….The Music Of The Spheres??
Commitment to calm
even if all hell breaks loose
relax, enjoy now
Well, dang…no, but last night I met up with my lead guitarist/vocalist Thai friend from previous years, Boi, with whom I played in an electric blues band and also with him on solo acoustic guitar, drums in the former, blues harp in the latter. It was our first gig together this round, and it was a new version of the electric blues band, this time with me on harp instead of drums. Still located at his bar restaurant, Mali Blues, from which he’s now retired and which he has let out to friends who run an abbreviated version of the former venue. Here’s one from early 2020 I guess, or late 2019:
A handful of friends, neighbors and acquaintances of ours came to enjoy, and it turned out to be a hell of a rockin’ rollin’ bluesy evening of mostly high energy music. Nancy even said later that she could have gotten up to dance. (You’ll have to ask her why she didn’t). Boi and I have a certain chemistry that involves the alchemy of energizing each other into stronger, more creative playing, and I have to say we were both on it last night. No doubt this was in large part in celebration of a reunion after three years. Back in the world, Baby, doin’ that blues rock n roll thang………..!! And here’s one from a couple of nights ago:
This may well turn out to be a twice a week thing, at two different neighborhood venues. Boi has gone from playing six nights a week down to two. He and his wife Oom have retired from their bar restaurant business, something they’ve been wanting to do for some years, and are concentrating on home schooling their two sons and daughter, Libu age 8, Malil age 6(?), and Malila age 3 now. She was a new baby when we last saw/met her. They’re also managing their bungalow rentals and their two bar restaurant gallery venues now rented out to others for their own businesses.
I hope to be able to get some better video/sound footage to share, but I think Nancy will be the videographer, and it’ll only be on her phone, so don’t expect great quality. Nevertheless it ought to give an idea. Enjoy!
The world falls apart
and renews itself in love
big hope/no hope dance