The Tides Are Turning

Feeding The Joy


Ocean sunset sky

pink dancing dakini forms

beautiful display

Sunset sky

It’s subtle, maybe, but both Nancy and I are more aware now that our time here is winding down, and the corner has been turned toward our departure and our return to Santa Fe. We leave our beach home on February 11, spend a night in Bangkok and fly out for San Diego on the 12th, via Seoul and Seattle, arriving also on the 12th due to the big time difference. We decided on San Diego instead of Los Angeles so we can spend a couple of nights being with Terra. Then non stop to Albuquerque on the 14th, and the final drive up to Santa Fe, all this movement being uneventful I hope, and arriving in good weather by dinner time.

We had a lovely Christmas brunch with Helen and Jane at The Palazzo, a new more upscale restaurant in Chumphon. A special outing for us, as we don’t routinely frequent “upscale” venues. The women all had the sea bass entre and all agreed it was very good. I opted for a spicy drunken noodle dish with sea food (shrimp and squid), which was spicy, and good too. The matcha latte also passed muster.

Xmas brunch

A couple of days ago Helen drove us to Immigration where we extended our 60 day tourist visas for another 30 days, giving us the three months we wanted. We were actually able to make appointments online, a new thing, but as it turned out the office was not busy and we were seen almost immediately. Go get copies of this and this and this….across the street….and fill out this and this and this…….and………..rubber stamps flying, stamping, papers collating……..fees paid………photos taken……passports given the new extension stamps……….and, done. Kap kun mak, kap, thank you very much, and off to do some food shopping and back to the village and to lunch.

The night before all that there was a party at MaliBlues Gallery, with a new art/painting installation and of course live music with The Mali Blues Jam Band and sundry guests. It turned out quite well, lots of people, the music was good, the vibe was good. The artist of honor even got up, after enough alcohol had loosened up his inhibitions and inbred Thai reserve, and was dancing, the only one I should point out, other than me of course.

Shoreline sandpiper

searching for the perfect meal

startled into flight

It’s been a different kind of visit, as I’ve mentioned previously. Even the weather has been different from what we’ve been used to. Lots of rain initially, followed by lots of wind, maybe we can call it turbulence, to the point of preventing beach walks both because of the discomfort of walking in this wind, and also because it has created the highest tides of the year, leaving literally no beach to walk on most of the time. There’s a metaphor here, I’m sure.

I have been able to ride my bike regularly though, even with only 7 of its 21 gears available. Turns out that for what I’m doing, 7 seems to be enough. Early this morning Aek and I went for a longer ride toward the town of Pathiew. Very nice, quiet rural road through the jungles, small inclines easily managed (without my missing gears being necessary). More of this to come before we leave.

I’m experiencing the blog winding down too, with nothing much more of special interest to share as we head toward the end of the line and back to the beginning of the circle. There are exactly another six weeks here however, and I will write about anything I find worthy of bestowing upon our lovely readers. A time limited venture, coming to what I hope will be a graceful conclusion.

It’s winter here too

windy high tide crises now

prayers for all lives lost

I also hope that Nancy will continue to compose and share her luminous, brilliant haiku. I truly believe she may have found her most natural, creative and prolific poetic expression. I’m not being biased, I promise!

.Our beloved landlady, Guide

Happy New Year to all. All blessings upon you, now and always.

May Peace Prevail On Earth. May all beings be happy.




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