Haiku Special #3
As we’re winding down the blog, still feeding the joy in the midst of all experience, Nancy continues her pouring forth, giving voice to the soul of observation and testament. Seeing, being, saying. Enjoy.
Pond life inspires fact:
thin membrane between you/me.
Call it what you like
Deep blue sky backdrop
flock of swifts soar and pond dive.
Mid-day immersion
Thank you dear pond beings
I am held in your embrace;
mirror of my nature
Vibrant sea today
looking for what can’t be found
waves and ocean one
Glassy sea shoreline
sand flies like to stroll along
shared beach beauty walk
Countless jungle beings
creepy crawlers everywhere!
Survival bounty
Glistening sun day
bringing in the new year here
not yet a calm sea
Space of open sky
enlivens for the moment
less separation
Water reflections
one mirage morphs into next
all relative truth
I want contentment
big glass half full, as it is
no more whiny mind
None of us are free
disturbed by old hungry fears
yet we carry on
We share our worries
while flowers bloom and birds soar
Dear nervous system
please trust I will keep you safe
Love, your wise body
A good reminder:
embracing what’s so painful
helps dissolve the fear
Moody state of being
formal practice my lifeline
loosening tight threads
Looking into the mirror
ranting with sweet abandon
no apologies
Cherish this, the real
shell in hand, ancient teaching
Where does wisdom breathe?
Can you imagine?
Wise compassion thrives inside
we are all Buddhas
This desire for peace
keeps my illusions tethered
Time to unleash truth
No one can claim right or wrong
Winds still dramatic
Nothing to report
who cares what we had to eat?
Relax and be here